Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mission Arlington 2014: Day One

The team got to start their ministry bright and early this morning! They were paired up and sent out to many different ministry opportunities this morning all across Arlington. Justin and Dustin preached at an assisted living chapel service, Beth went to an all women's bible study for either women of abuse or something to that degree, Jennifer and Brett went to an apartment bible study for youth and adults and they led the youth meeting, and Haley,Paige and McKenna did nursery and toddler care for another church ad had TONS of kids (like 14 one and under!!). Those are the ones I am certain of, but everyone went somewhere and got put to work! 
Then they all headed to the Misson Arlington team worship and prayer service, which is usually a really awesome experience bc you get to hear Mrs.Tillie who is the founder of all of this ministry talk about Gods call on her life. What an amazing woman. 

This afternoon the team went to 5 different apartment complexes to hand out flyers for Rainbow Express, the VBS-like ministry they will be doing each afternoon. I hear poor Morgan even fell down some stairs! Ahh! She's ok though. 
The team had some planning and prep time tonight for their Rainbow Express time tomorrow. Each person will have a role like song leader, memory verse leader, bible study teacher, role taker (making sure to write down all kids names and addresses so Mission Arlington can follow up), games leader, etc. 
Justin said this is the biggest group Arlington has ever had there at once (like the total number of volunteers from different churches this year). 

Please pray for their day tomorrow. For an amazing ability to handle heat. For their mission projects whatever they may be!! 

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