Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Walk This Way

This week we learned about walking this way.  Well.... walking HIS way.
You must walk out your old life.  Leave it behind.  You must become a new man...a new person.  There are many different ways to become this "new" person.

Put away                                       Put on
Lying                                             Speaking the TRUTH
Sinful Anger (hate)                        Be angry, but don't SIN
Stealing                                          WORKING
Selfishness                                     SHARING
Rotten Talk                                    Build others up, speak GRACE
Bitterness                                       Be KIND
Anger/Wrath                                  Be COMPASSIONATE
Insult/Slander/Gossip                     Be FORGIVING
Wickedness                                    Be CHRIST-LIKE

Living in sin is just like living in ignorance.  Living in Jesus is living in truth.  Without Christ we will be excluded for a life with God.  Sin is never enough because we will always want more and more sin.

B- Basic
I- Instructions
B- Before
L- Leaving
E- Earth

This has been brought to you by your favorite inter-racial broadcast team. BLACKY AND WHITEY
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