Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day Two- Picture Style Part Two

Hi Haley, Brett & Gracie
 Hannah & Becca attempted to zip line with Colton... 
 It didnt go so well! 
 Penny & Dustin M totally left Colton on the platform! 
 Bridgett got a late start, but her body is so long she still reached! 
 Dustin M, Penny & Bridgett
 Hi Jason & Dustin
 Who's that person hardcore falling on the left? oh thats Bridgett! 
 That would be Scot in the water and Brett about to join him! 

Dustin M made it to the top
Penny Jo up at the top

Pool Babies
 Gracie just hanging around
 Gracie and Hannah showing that climbing tower who's boss!

 The tubing folks heading back in (Jonathan, Katie and Bridgett)


  1. The infamous team building!! How'd it go this year??

  2. Ha! Actually we have done two days of it (plus human knot on the first day- so kinda three) and it has gone better than ever before! They haven't always figured it out right, but they have really been connecting the metaphors and applying the lessons!

  3. Awesome! It looks like everyone's having a great time. :)

    1. We are Preston- but we miss you! Hope you are making friends there!

    2. I haven't met anyone yet, and I miss all of you! I'm just glad everyone is having fun and praising God! :)
