Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Alright, in my attempt to actually blog, here we go:
Camp has been great so far. We were all confronted with our sin this week with the theme that we are Stained. A couple of things that stood out to the kids:
1. Sin is not what we do, it is who we are.
2. We are born sinners (my baby to be will be a little ball of sin)
3. Sin is inherited based on Adam and Eve's choice to disobey God.
4. God is Holy and therefore "allergic" to sin, i.e. God can have nothing to do with sin, which is why Adam and Eve were banished from His presence, and why sin separates us from God.
5. Jesus paid the price for our sin and can WASH us clean.

We have had one decision to follow Christ and a couple who God is working on their hearts, but they just can't verbalize the Gospel yet. Please rejoice in salvation and pray that God's Holy Spirit would make things clear to students and that the call to Follow Jesus would be understood.

We have had a ton of fun, but also some serious inward reflections on God working in our lives. Student are being challenged to Go Beyond--Taking what they are Passionate about doing (sports, hobby, talents) and combining that with a group of people that they are Burdened for. Some student will decide to host an event to raise money and to ultimately share the Gospel. I feel like this may be the year where some of our students sense God's Call to Go Beyond. Also, pray that Going Beyond wouldn't just be an event, but a lifestyle.

Pray, Pray, Pray for us. God is at work, but Satan is trying to distract us. We have had one student who used to not believe in God actually pray for us and hint at knowing there is a God. We have also had sickness and silly drama. Prayers are needed. Prayers will be answered.

Thank you...A Special Thanks to those who have sacrificed to allow us to be here. Your time and money is making a Kingdom Impact and we are eternally grateful.



  1. I initially thought Haven was doing the blog and No. 2 startled me!
    Keep up the GOD work. Praying.

  2. Good recap for us- and so proud that you actually blog! haha! Love you and so excited to hear how God is moving in our kids hearts!
