Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some pics from the day!

Here are a few of many pictures we took today. I want to let everyone know, we will be compiling all of the pictures we take (the adults) and putting them on a cd when we get back. So about a week after camp you will be able to copy that if you want. I went with the tubing crew today bc we had so many in once place... Dustin and Haven have pictures of the other groups but we forgot to bring camera cords, so you will only get to see mine right now! Sorry... poor planning. 

The kids are having a blast and we are really seeing some walls come down and them to open up to each other! Yay! We are headed to worship now, so pray for a big IMPACT on their hearts! Love you guys! 

during our connect time (time for the youth group to come together and connect) we made human graphs of low and high points in our life... it was pretty awesome
halie was the church (when someone started going to church) and jake was Jesus! 
in case you think all we are doing is goofing off here... some pics of TAWG time (Time Alone With God)
aj being ghetto... 
more TAWG 
and more TAWG 
POI Tubing! Kenna and Sarah about to fall off
Kenna and Sarah, it was hard to get on that thing!
Colton and someone from another church, they jumped pretty high!
Jesse and Carter... Carter falling off (they each fell once)
Carter and Jesse
Kenna and McKenzie (Yes Kenna got to go twice bc of an odd number)
Kenna and McKenzie on the boat 
the jordans getting ready to Kayak (i wasnt able to get actual pictures of it :( bc of tubing)
the tubing group

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