Wednesday, November 2, 2011

You Better Recognize! -->said in gangster-like voice

In tonight's lesson, we discussed imitating Christ.  To imitate means to follow as a model or example (  The example we try to set as Christians is that of Christ's love.  We are saints because we have been made in Christ's image, but even though this is true, we can still fall victim to sin.  Even sins such as sexual immorality, foolish talk, and greed.  For example...
     Recently, a famous pastor and youth speaker was scheduled to speak in Bowling Green at the Spoken Conference. Instead, he was unexpectedly arrested for an act of sexual immorality that will most likely forever haunt him and has ended any hope of continuing his ministry.  
As you can see, anyone can stray from God's path.  Sin is REAL, the wages of sin is DEATH, and God's wrath is coming on the disobedient. So, to be ensured of your future with God, don't become a partner. A partner is just another way to say participant.  If you don't wish to get caught up in sin, then don't be partners with people who you feel will lead you away from God's path. For we were darkness, but now we are light
So, to live Him out, remember these 3 things:
1. Speak to one another in psalms/hymns 
2. Give thanks always for everything
3. Submit to one another in fear of Christ

*Brought to you by: MSW (Miranda Stone & Sarah Walden)

1 comment:

  1. My girls, I am impressed and proud. This is an excellent blog and well written. Way to go!
    You are correct; it is easy to stray from the straight and narrow and to get stuck in the pit into which you stumbled. That's why it's so important to be close enough to a fellow Christian to be completely open & transparent with her, so that you have accountability; and to stay in God's Word so He can speak to you through His teaching, sometimes using scripture you've read 100 times but by which you'd not previously been moved.
